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     BLOOMING PLANTS -    Let's face it, most of us want flowers....and lots of them!  As you select plants, consider leaf  and flower color, and how it will blend or clash with existing landscape and hardscape.  An easy way to succeed with color is to design with hues from the same color family.  This works especially well in front yard gardens, where you want to make a good first impression. 

7858 Smythe Farm Road  -  Memphis, TN  38120  -  901.753.5887  -  © 2015 Country Gardens Memphis

Dipladenia Hanging Baskets 10 in (6)_edi

Dipladenia Hanging Basket 

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Duranta Sapphire Showers

President Red Hibiscus Bush 10 in (2)_ed

President Red Hibiscus

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Crimson Mandevilla

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Ruella or Mexican Petunia

Dipladenia Hanging Baskets 10 in_edited.

Dipladenia Hanging Basket 

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Mellow Yellow Hibiscus

Mini Crimson Red Mandevillea 10 in (2)_e

Mini Crimson Red Mandevilla

Sunfire Mandevillea New Yellow 10 in_edi

Sunfire Mandevillea

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Shrimp Braids

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